Wednesday, June 26, 2013

OIM Schema Password Expiration

Version: Oracle Database 11g R2 and Oracle Identity Manager 11g
Description: By default your OIM schemas has a 90 day password expiration, and eventually you would have to change your password. The OIM managed server would fail to start if your schema password has already expired. This post demonstrates one way to change your schemas passwords when your schemas passwords have already been expired.

Monday, June 10, 2013

Monitoring OIM logs

Version: Oracle Identity Manager 11g R1
Description: This guide demonstrates how to monitor your logs. You can view your logs from the command-line, Oracle Enterprise Manager Fusion Middleware Control Console, or WebLogic Scripting Tool (WLST). I'll discuss the advantages and disadvantages of these utilities.

Saturday, June 8, 2013

BI Publisher 11g: Enable Local Superuser

Version: Oracle BI Publisher
Description: This post shows you how to enable a local superuser for BI Publisher.

Oracle BI Publisher 11g Enterprise Installation on Linux

Version: Oracle Business Intelligence (64-Bit)
Description: A guide that demonstrates how to install Oracle BI Publisher on Oracle Linux 6.3. This will only go through the enterprise installation, which is an all in one package install (includes WebLogic installation, WebLogic domain creation, and BI installation and configuration).
  1. Static IP Address (Must also be included in the /etc/hosts file)
  2. JRockit Installation
  3. Oracle Database 11g

Wednesday, June 5, 2013

OIM 11g R1: Changing OIM Session Timeout

Version: Oracle Identity Manager 11g R1
Description: This guide shows you how to configure the session timeout for the OIM web interfaces. When a user stays idle in the OIM console for a certain amount of time, one of two alert dialog boxes may appear. The first alert dialog box is a two-minute warning before the session times out. The second alert dialog box is a page expiration message indicating session has expired.

Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Post-Process EventHandler Example: DecryptedPasswordInProfile

Version: Oracle Identity Manager 11g R1
Description: An example of a custom post-process event handler. This plugin is only for demonstration purposes.  The orchestration object parameter in the execute method contains useful information you may need to utilize. Here are several orchestration methods to make note of for post-process:
getParameters() : This method only gets the new changes made.
getOperation(): Gets the operation that is being performed. Some operations are given below:
  • CREATE = whenever a new user is being created
  • CHANGE_PASSWORD = whenever the user 's password is changed
  • MODIFY = whenever any changes are being made to a user's OIM Profile
getInterEventData(): contains the current state and new state of the entire user's profile. You can even determine the user who is making the changes with the "usr_updateby" attribute  in the new state of the user's profile.

You can find the final plugin package and the source code here.

Summary for Deploying the Plugin
1. Create jar file, plugin.xml, and metadata xml.
2. Create a zip with the following structure:

3. Modify the file located in "[IDM_HOME]/server/plugin_utility".
Then register your plugin by executing "ant -f pluginregistration.xml register".

4. Modify the located in "[IDM_HOME]/server/bin".
Then push the metadata into MDS by using the utiltiy.

5. Purge the cache. The utility is in "[IDM_HOME]/server/bin".
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