Monday, January 27, 2014

Modify OIM11gR2 Session Timeout

Version: Oracle Identity Manager 11g R2
Description: This guide will show you how to increase or decrease session timeout  for the Identity Self Service and Identity System Administration pages.

Thursday, January 23, 2014

OIM Diagnostic Dashboard

Version: Oracle Identity Manager 11g R2
Description: This guide will show how to install the Oracle Identity Diagnostic Dashboard. The Oracle Identity Manager Diagnostic Dashboard is a standalone web application that allows you to validate your OIM installation and  configurations. Several validations include provisioning and reconciliation for some connectors , database connectivity, and target system SSL trust verification. Refer to "Working with the Diagnostic Dashboard" section in "Oracle® Fusion Middleware Administrator's Guide for Oracle Identity Manager" for more information.

Saturday, January 11, 2014

Cloning a Connector

Version: Oracle Identity Manager 11g R2
Description: Oracle Identity Manager has a built-in utility that allows you to clone a connector. This utility generates an XML file containing all the artifacts of the initial state of a connector. If you've made modifications to a connector such as adding new reconciliation and process form fields, they will
not be included. After generating the XML, use the "Import Deployment Manager" to import the XML to your OIM instance. ODSEE/OUD/LDAPV3 Connector, which is part of OID- connector bundle, is used an example.

Side Notes:
There is a minor issue with the clone utility. The scheduled jobs of the cloned connector will override the scheduled jobs of the original connector. A work around is to modify the XML and change the value of the name attribute in each of the Job tag.

You may run into a case where importing the cloned connector fails. The "Import Deployment Manager" does not have rollbacks, which means changes are made even on failures. If you receive an error, you can re-import the XML since the  "Import Deployment Manager" overrides the existing changes (Process forms are the exception).

Tuesday, January 7, 2014

BI Publisher Software Installation

Prerequisites:  Linux environment setup and Oracle Database 11g

Description: This guide will show you how to install BI Publisher on a Linux 64 bit environment. Here is an overview of the "Software Only" type installation path:
  1. Install Java. 
  2. Install WebLogic 10.3.6.
  3. Create BI Publisher schemas with Repository Creation Utility
  4. Install BI Publisher.
  5. Configure BI Publisher.
Downloads: You can download BI Publisher here. The others can be downloaded from Oracle Software Delivery Cloud. You may use a different version of Java as long as the Business Intelligence Suite certification matrix is fulfilled.
  1. Java (jdk-7u45-linux-x64.gz)
  2. WebLogic 10.3.6 (
  3. RCU (
  4. BI Publisher
ReferencesBI Publisher Documentation Library

Monday, January 6, 2014

Bundle Patching OIM to

Description:  This guide will show you how to patch Oracle Identity Manager 11g R2 to Bundle Patch 3 (BP3 Patch: 17532765). The bundle patch requires you to apply the patch using OPatch, fill out "patch_oim_wls.profile" file, and run script. You can download the patch at My Oracle Support. Read the README given in the patch for a detailed version of the entire process and additional post patching steps.