1. The necessary JAR files can be found in "$WSHOME//WEB-INF/lib" directory. The following JAR files are needed to built SIM SPML applications:
- openspml.jar
- mail.jar
- soap.jar
2. Given below is sample JAVA code to demonstrate the use of SPML client:
import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.logging.Level; import java.util.logging.Logger; import org.openspml.client.LighthouseClient; import org.openspml.message.ExtendedRequest; import org.openspml.message.FilterTerm; import org.openspml.message.ModifyRequest; import org.openspml.message.SearchRequest; import org.openspml.message.SearchResponse; import org.openspml.message.SearchResult; import org.openspml.message.SpmlResponse; import org.openspml.util.SpmlException; /** * Sun Identity Manager: SPML Client * Test class for demonstration purposes * @author oracle */ public class SIMSPMLClient { // SIM environment information private static final String simServiceAccountUser = "configurator"; private static final String simServiceAccountPassword = "configurator"; private static final String simPort = "8080"; private static final String simHostname = "localhost"; private static final String simWebServiceURL = "http://" + simHostname + ":" + simPort +"/idm/servlet/rpcrouter2"; // Class logger private static final Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(SIMSPMLClient.class.getName()); /** * Test Driver * @param args */ public static void main(String[] args) { LighthouseClient client = null; String accountId = null; String resourceAccountName = "Database Table"; try { // Setup SIM SMPL client client = new LighthouseClient(); client.setUrl(simWebServiceURL); client.setUser(simServiceAccountUser); client.setPassword(simServiceAccountPassword); // Call method to modify user attributes accountId = "jdoe"; HashMap<String, Object> modAttrs = new HashMap<String, Object>(); modAttrs.put("email", ""); modAttrs.put("status", "Active"); modifyUserAttributes(client, accountId, modAttrs); // Provision target resource accountId = "gbass"; HashMap<String, Object> resAttrs = new HashMap<String, Object>(); resAttrs.put("resources", "Database Table"); //delimited by comma resAttrs.put("status", "Created"); //modifyUserAttributes(client, accountId, resAttrs); // Deprovision target resource, but does not remove assignment in SIM ExtendedRequest dreq = new ExtendedRequest(); dreq.setOperationIdentifier("deleteUser"); dreq.setAttribute("accountId","gbass"); dreq.setAttribute("accounts","Database Table"); //SpmlResponse res = client.request(dreq); //System.out.println(res.getResult()); // Deprovision target resources and removes assignment HashMap<String, Object> resRmAttrs = new HashMap<String, Object>(); resAttrs.put("resources", ""); //modifyUserAttributes(client, accountId, resRmAttrs); // Call custom workflow String simWorkFlowName = "Custom-Workflow"; String username = "jmann"; HashMap<String, Object> wfAttrs = new HashMap<String, Object>(); wfAttrs.put("ACTION", "MODIFY"); wfAttrs.put("__UID__", username); wfAttrs.put("__NAME__", username); wfAttrs.put("__PASSWORD__", "jmann"); wfAttrs.put("EMAIL", ""); wfAttrs.put("LASTNAME", ""); wfAttrs.put("USERNAME", username); //callSimWorkFlow(client, simWorkFlowName, wfAttrs); // Disable resource account accountId = "gbass"; //disableResourceAccount(client, accountId, resourceAccountName); // Enable resource account //enableResourceAccount(client, accountId, resourceAccountName); // Create SIM account HashMap<String, String> attrs = new HashMap<String,String>(); attrs.put("lastname", "Parker"); attrs.put("firstname", "Peter"); attrs.put("email", ""); attrs.put("password","Password1"); //client.createUser("pparker", attrs); // Delete SIM account List<String> accounts = new ArrayList<String>(); //client.deleteUser("pparker", accounts); // Search SIM User based on accountId SearchRequest req = new SearchRequest(); req.addAttribute("lastname"); req.addAttribute("email"); FilterTerm ft = new FilterTerm(); ft.setOperation(FilterTerm.OP_EQUAL); ft.setName("accountId"); ft.setValue("jdoe"); req.addFilterTerm(ft); SearchResponse res = (SearchResponse)client.request(req); System.out.println(res.getResults()); List results = res.getResults(); if (results != null) { for (int i = 0 ; i < results.size() ; i++) { SearchResult sr = (SearchResult) results.get(i); System.out.println("Identifier=" + sr.getIdentifierString() + " sn=" + sr.getAttribute("lastname").getValue() + " email=" + sr.getAttribute("email").getValue()); } } } catch (SpmlException ex) { logger.log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex); } catch (MalformedURLException ex) { logger.log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex); } finally { if (client != null) { try { client.logout(); } catch (SpmlException ex) { logger.log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex); } } } } /** * Modification request to modify attributes on a user. * SIM user attributes and resource attributes can be modified by this method. * Also provisioning of resource account can be made. * @param client SPML client with service account logged in * @param accountId Identifier to match against SIM account and make modifications * @param attributes Attributes to modify on user * @return SIM SPML response * @throws SpmlException */ public static SpmlResponse modifyUserAttributes(LighthouseClient client, String accountId, Map<String, Object> attributes) throws SpmlException { // Create a request to send to SIM ModifyRequest req = new ModifyRequest(); req.setIdentifier(accountId); // SIM attributes to modify for (Map.Entry<String, Object> entry : attributes.entrySet()) { req.addModification(entry.getKey(), entry.getValue()); } // Send request to SIM and SIM sends a response back SpmlResponse response = client.request(req); logger.log(Level.INFO, "Response Code: {0}", new Object[] {response.getResult()}); return response; } /** * Call a SIM work flow to be executed. * @param client SPML client with service account logged in * @param workflow Name of SIM work flow * @param attributes Attributes includes accountId to be processed by work flow * @return SIM SPML response * @throws SpmlException */ public static SpmlResponse callSimWorkFlow(LighthouseClient client, String workFlowName, Map<String, Object> attributes) throws SpmlException { // Create a request to send to SIM ExtendedRequest req = new ExtendedRequest(); req.setOperationIdentifier("launchProcess"); req.setAttribute("process", workFlowName); // SIM attributes to sent to work flow for (Map.Entry<String, Object> entry : attributes.entrySet()) { req.setAttribute(entry.getKey(), entry.getValue()); } // Send request to SIM and SIM sends a response back SpmlResponse response = client.request(req); logger.log(Level.INFO, "Response Code: {0}", new Object[] {response.getResult()}); return response; } /** * Disables a resource account in SIM * @param client SPML client with service account logged in * @param accountId SIM user whose resource account is going to be disabled * @param accountName Resource account to disable * @return * @throws SpmlException */ public static SpmlResponse disableResourceAccount(LighthouseClient client, String accountId, String accountName) throws SpmlException { ExtendedRequest req = new ExtendedRequest(); req.setOperationIdentifier("disableUser"); req.setAttribute("accountId", accountId); req.setAttribute("accounts", accountName); SpmlResponse response = client.request(req); logger.log(Level.INFO, "Response Code: {0}", new Object[] {response.getResult()}); return response; } /** * Enable a resource account in SIM * @param client SPML client with service account logged in * @param accountId SIM user whose resource account is going to be disabled * @param accountName Resource account to disable * @return * @throws SpmlException */ public static SpmlResponse enableResourceAccount(LighthouseClient client, String accountId, String accountName) throws SpmlException { ExtendedRequest req = new ExtendedRequest(); req.setOperationIdentifier("enableUser"); req.setAttribute("accountId", accountId); req.setAttribute("accounts", accountName); SpmlResponse response = client.request(req); logger.log(Level.INFO, "Response Code: {0}", new Object[] {response.getResult()}); return response; } }