Thursday, January 17, 2013

Uninstalling an OIM Connector

Version: Oracle Identity Manager 11g R1
Description: This guide explains how to remove an OIM connector excluding any GTC connector. Microsoft Active Directory is used here as a demonstration. Refer to the oracle document for more details Refer to document for special cases of removing a connector (E.g. A connector with access policy). WARNING: Do not use in a production environment.

Important OIM Database Tables Relating to Connectors
CIH - contains information of all the connectors installed in OIM. The CIH_XML column must have a value if you are going to use the uninstall script.
OIMHOME_JARS - contains records of all the jars (e.g Schedule Task, Java Task, Third Party). The jar that is associated with a connector has the name of the connector prefixed.
RESOURCES - contains records of all the connector resources properties.
SVD - contains records of the IT resource types
OBJ - contains records of Resource Object Information
PKG- Processes

Uninstalling a Connector
1. Modify "" located in the "/home/oracle/Oracle/Middleware/Oracle_IDM1/server/bin" directory.  Given below is an example of removing the Microsoft Active Directory connector. Adjust the properties file accordingly.
# DatabaseURL: Enter the JDBC URL for the Oracle Identity Manager database.  #
# Format of the database URL for Oracle Database:                            #
# jdbc:oracle:thin:@hostname:dbport:iam/oracle_sid                           #
# DBUserName: OIM DB User Name                                               #
# DBType: Must be "ORACLE". Do not alter the default value.                  #
# LogLevel: Enter the log level--INFO, DEBUG, or ERROR.                      #
# Location: Enter the log file location.                                     #
# ConnectorName: Enter the name of the connector that  you want to uninstall.#
# Note: The name that you enter must be the same as the name displayed in    #
# the search results table on the main connector management page of the      #
# Administrative and User Console.                                           #
# Release: Enter the release number of the connector that  you want to       #
#          un-install.                                                       #
# NOTE: The release number that you enter must be the same as the release    #
# number displayed in the search results table on the main connector         #
# management page of the Administrative and User Console.                    #
# ObjectType: Enter "ResourceObject", "ScheduleTask", "Lookup", or "Adapter".#
# ObjectValues: Enter a semicolon-separated list of object values.           #
# NOTE: In case you provide ConnectorName and Release algonwith ObjectType   #
# and ObjectValue, than in such case, deletion of ObjectValues would be      #
# performed by the utility and the Connector information would be just       #
# skipped.                                                                   #

Here is a brief description of each parameter defined in the file:
DatabaseURL: location of the Oracle Database
DbUserName: Name of the OIM schema
Location: Place where you want the log files of this process to be.
ConnectorName: Name of the connector (Same as in the OIM console: Advanced-> Manage Connector -> search. Use the Connector Name field.)

Release: version number of the connector. Look at Connector Version field.
ObjectValue and ObjectTypes: Put values for them if you want to delete a specific property of a connector (e.g. adapters, resource objects, lookups, schedule task)

2. Run the"" script located in "/home/oracle/Oracle/Middleware/Oracle_IDM1/server/bin" directory.

[Enter the DB Password :] <OIM schema password>
[Enter OIM Administrator Name :] xelsysadm
[Enter the OIM Administrator Password :]
[Enter OIM Server t3 URL [Ex. t3://localhost:7001/ ]:] t3://localhost:14000

3. Execute the "" to remove  the jars associated with connector. Refer to the OIMHOME_JARS schema to look for jars associated with the connector you are deleting. Active Directory has no jars. If you ever run this script on a connector with jars files, you will be prompted the following information
Xellerate Admin user: The OIM administrator. e.g. xelsysadm
Admin Password: The OIM administrator password.
Server URL: The OIM server.  e.g. t3://localhost:14000
Context Factory: weblogic.jndi.WLInitialContextFactory
Jar Type: 1. Java Tasks, 2. ScheduleTask, 3. Thrid Party, 4. ICFBundle (Look at OIMHOME_JARS for type)
Name of the jar to be deleted from DB: Look at OIMHOME_JARS  for name.

4. Execute the "" to remove the resources associated with a connector. This script is located in "<OIM_HOME>/server/bin" directory. Refer to the RESOURCES schema for the name of the resource bundle. Each resource bundle name has a prefix of the connector name to which it is associated with. When running the script, you will be prompted the following information:

Xellerate admin username: The OIM administrator name. e.g. xelsysadm
Admin: The OIM administrator password.
ServerURL: OIM server URL. e.g. t3://localhost:14000
Context Factory: weblogic.jndi.WLInitialContextFactory
Resource bundle type: 2 [Connector Resource]
Name of the resource bundle file: Refer to RESOURCES table for name. e.g.


  1. Thank you so much..... Its working

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  2. TKS man... Youre very good at OIM!

  3. i am getting exception after this step Context Factory: weblogic.jndi.WLInitialContextFactory... .. noSuchClassFoundException. I am using OID connector.. Replay ASAP.

  4. Will this work for my version of OIM

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