Friday, December 20, 2013

Flat File Connector: Reconciliation Rule

Description: Reconciliation rules are used by the reconciliation engine for entity matching. During reconciliation, when a target system record is pulled into OIM, the reconciliation engine tries to match the target system record with existing OIM user records. The matching process is typically comparing a specific OIM User profile attribute to an attribute on the target system.

1. In design console, navigate to Development Tools -> Reconciliation Rules.

2. Create a new reconciliation rule with the following data:
Name: FFReconRule
For User
Description: Reconciliation rules for flat file resource.

3. Add rule element to the to FFReconRule. For this example, the rule element is the matching of User Login, a User profile attribute, to AccountId, a reconciliation field which is mapped to a target system attribute via lookup.

User Profile Data: User Login
Operator: Equals
Attribute: AccountId

4. Active reconciliation rule and save.

5. Update the metadata by clicking the Create Reconciliation Profile button.

1 comment:

  1. that . Update the metadata by clicking the Create Reconciliation Profile button.
