Saturday, January 11, 2014

Cloning a Connector

Version: Oracle Identity Manager 11g R2
Description: Oracle Identity Manager has a built-in utility that allows you to clone a connector. This utility generates an XML file containing all the artifacts of the initial state of a connector. If you've made modifications to a connector such as adding new reconciliation and process form fields, they will
not be included. After generating the XML, use the "Import Deployment Manager" to import the XML to your OIM instance. ODSEE/OUD/LDAPV3 Connector, which is part of OID- connector bundle, is used an example.

Side Notes:
There is a minor issue with the clone utility. The scheduled jobs of the cloned connector will override the scheduled jobs of the original connector. A work around is to modify the XML and change the value of the name attribute in each of the Job tag.

You may run into a case where importing the cloned connector fails. The "Import Deployment Manager" does not have rollbacks, which means changes are made even on failures. If you receive an error, you can re-import the XML since the  "Import Deployment Manager" overrides the existing changes (Process forms are the exception).

1. Log in to the Identity System Administration page and select "Manage Connector" under "System Management".

2. On the pop-up, search for the connector you would like to clone and click clone.

3. Enter new Resource Object names.

4. Enter new Process Definition names.

5. Enter new Process Form names.

6. Enter new IT Resource Type Definition names.

7. Enter new IT Resource names.

8. Enter new Scheduled Task names.

9.Enter new Lookup Definition names.

10. Enter adapter prefix.

11. Enter Reconciliation Rule names.

12. Summary

13. Generate XML.

14. Use Deployment Manager to import the connector XML into OIM. Substitutions are optional.


  1. Cannot grant CONNECT and ADD ROLES after provisioning with DBUM cloned

    With the conector dbum cloned I can "Create user", "Add tablespace default", "Add tablespace temp".

    But I can’t "Add rols / Add privileges". The log is:

    GRAVE: oracle.iam.connectors.icfcommon.prov.ICProvisioningManager : addChildTableValue : Error while updating user
    at java.util.Collections$UnmodifiableCollection.(
    at java.util.Collections$UnmodifiableList.(
    at java.util.Collections.unmodifiableList(
    at oracle.iam.connectors.icfcommon.Form.getChildFormFieldValues(

    Many thanks in advance!

    1. I have the same issue.
      Did you solve this problem?

    2. Oracle Stack: Cloning A Connector >>>>> Download Now

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  3. I'm having the same issue..any chances this got resolved??

  4. While adding the xml file, the file preview is showing empty. can you please help me with this?

    I am using mozilla 30.0 version


  5. this is the error I am getting while doing import and export operation

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