Friday, March 28, 2014

OIM Upload Jar Utility

Version: Oracle Identity Manager 11g R2
Description: The Upload Jar utility pushes a jar file to the database. After uploading a jar to the database, you should see a new record of the uploaded jar in {OIM_SCHEMA}.OIMHOME_JARS table.

1. Set the following environment variables: APP_SERVER, OIM_ORACLE_HOME, JAVA_HOME, MW_HOME, WL_HOME, DOMAIN_HOME. Below is an example.
APP_SERVER is weblogic
OIM_ORACLE_HOME is /home/oracle/Oracle/Middleware/Oracle_IDM1
JAVA_HOME is /home/oracle/java/jrockit64
MW_HOME is /home/oracle/Oracle/Middleware
WL_HOME is /home/oracle/Oracle/Middleware/wlserver_10.3
DOMAIN_HOME is /home/oracle/Oracle/Middleware/user_projects/domains/oim_domain

2. The Upload Jar utility is located in "$MW_HOME/Oracle_IDM1/server/bin/". When executing the Upload Jar utility, you will be prompted to the OIM system administrator credentials, server URL, context, jar type, and path of jar file. An example is given below.

[Enter Xellerate admin username :]xelsysadm
[Enter the admin password :]
[[Enter serverURL (Ex. t3://oimhostname:oimportno for weblogic or corbaloc:iiop:localhost:2801 for websphere)]:]t3://localhost:14000
[[Enter context (i.e.: weblogic.jndi.WLInitialContextFactory for weblogic or for websphere)]:]weblogic.jndi.WLInitialContextFactory
Enter the jar type 
Enter the path/location of jar file :
Do u want to load more jars [y/n] :n
Upload jar executed successfully

3. Validate jar in {OIM_SCHEMA}.OIMHOME_JARS database table.


  1. What if it is showing in the database?

  2. Oracle Stack: Oim Upload Jar Utility >>>>> Download Now

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