Wednesday, December 19, 2012

How to Mount a Shared Folder into a VM on Oracle VM VirtualBox

Prerequisites: Vbox Additions must be installed. You can found the installation guide here.
  1. Click "Setting" on the Oracle VM VirtualBox Interface
  2. Navigate to "Shared Folder" tab.
  3. Add a shared folder. You need to specify the path of the folder and the name of the folder you calling it.
  4. Start your Linux VM and open a terminal session as root user.
    su root
  5. Make a directory in "/media/" directory called "delivery".
    mkdir delivery
  6. Execute "mount -t vboxsf "
    mount -t vboxsf Desktop /media/delivery
The screenshots given below will walk you through the process.

Useful Linux Commands
Given below are useful commands that may be useful to you when you are copying over files.

To copy an entire directory:
  • cp -r pathToDir
To change owner and group of an entire directory:
  • chown -Rf owner:group
To change file permissions:
  • chmod
  • E.g. chmod 777 myfile
The first number is the permission for the file owner.
The second number is the permission for group.
The third number is the permission for other users.
4 = read
2 = write
1 = execute

6read and write
5read and execute
4read only
3write and execute
2write only
1execute only

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