Friday, March 8, 2013

How to Install OIA

Description: This guide will show you how to install Oracle Identity Analytics

The following items are required to install OIA. To see the various databases and application servers OIA supports, checkout out the OIA Certification Matrix.

Obtaining the Software
Name: Oracle Identity Analytics (

Installation and Configuration
1. Set the RBACX_HOME environment variable. Make sure this variable is set and available for all terminal sessions.
vi ~/.bash_profile

#Add the following lines

2. Unzip "" into RBACX_HOME.
unzip -d /home/oracle/OIA

You should have at least the following  files and directories:

3. Create a directory called rbacx_staging in your RBACX_HOME directory and explode the rbacx.war in the rbacx_staging folder.
mkdir /home/oracle/OIA/rbacx_staging
cd /home/oracle/OIA/rbacx_staging
jar -xvf ../rbacx.war

4. Download third-party library files and place them into "$RBACX_HOME/rbacx_staging/WEB-INF/lib" directory.

Name: ojdbc6.jar (
This JDBC driver is needed for Oracle Database Server.

Name: jasper-jdt.jar
This file is required by the Oracle Identity Analytics certification and reporting feature.

5. Copy the import and export directories to RBACX_HOME. These directories are located in "$RBACX_HOME/conf" folder.
cd /home/oracle/OIA/sample
cp -r import /home/oracle/OIA
cp -r export /home/oracle/OIA

6. Create the rbacxservice user and the OIA Schemas.
#Open up a session in sqlplus
cd /home/oracle/db/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/dbhome_1/bin
./sqlplus / as sysdba 

#Create the rbacxservice user
create user rbacxservice identified by Password1;

#Create the OIA Schema

7. Copy the file from "RBACX_HOME/conf/oracle" to "RBACX_HOME/conf".
cd /home/oracle/OIA/conf
cp oracle/ .

Modify the in the conf directory.
#JDBC driver URL - jdbc.url=jdbc:oracle:thin:@$SERVER_NAME:$PORT_NUMBER:rbacx
#Database Password

Encrypt the database password by typing the following command:
java -jar ../rbacx_staging/WEB-INF/lib/vaau-commons-crypt.jar -encryptProperty -cipherKeyProperties ./ -propertyFile ./ -propertyName jdbc.password

8. Navigate to "$RBACX_HOME/rbacx_staging/WEB-INF" directory and edit the file.
cd /home/oracle/OIA/rbacx_staging/WEB-INF
#Modify parameter. Specify the location of OIA log file to be created

9. Create a new WebLogic Domain for OIA. If you were to deploy OIA with other server instances, you may have complications with conflict of jars.
#Execute WL_HOME/common/bin
cd /home/oracle/Oracle/Middleware/wlserver_10.3/common/bin

Note: I did not select any Domain Source. I changed the AdminServer Port for oia_domain to 7002 since my Admin Server on oim_domain uses port 7001.

Create a new WebLogic domain in your project directory.
Step 1: Create a new WebLogic Domain

Do not select any other products to include in your domain. Oracle Identity Analytics is not listed here. Click next.
Step 2: Click Next

Enter the domain name and location.
Step 3: Specify Domain Name and Location

Enter the administrator user name and password.
Step 4: Configure Admin User Name and Password

Choose production mode if you are installing on a production environment. Specify your JRockit directory for your JDK.
Step 5: Configure Server Start Mode and JDK

Modify the administration server and click next.
Step 6: Select Administration Server

Change the listen port of the adminstration server since I have another domain using port 7001.
Step 7: Configure the Administration Server

This shows all the configurations made during this wizard.
Step 8: Configuration Summary

Creating the domain should not take long.
Step 9: Creating Domain

After creating a WebLogic domain for OIA, start the admin server.
cd /home/oracle/Oracle/Middleware/user_projects/domains/oia_domain/bin

10. Login to the WebLogic Administration Console for the OIA domain (localhost:7002/console) and deploy the OIA application.

This is the log in page to access the WebLogic Administration console. Enter your weblogic administrator credentials.
Step 1: Log in to Administration Console

This is the home page. Click deployments under your deployed resources.
Step 2: Select Deployments

Click install.
Step 3: Click Install

Locate deployment to install and prepare for deployment.
Step 4: Select rbacx_staging Directory

Install this deployment as an application.
Step 5: Select "Install this deployment as an application".

Use only roles and policies that are defined in the deployment application. Use the defaults defined by the deployment's target.
Step 6: Select "DD Only" and "Use the defaults . . ."

Yes, take me to the deployment's configuration screen.
Step 7: Click Finish

Step 8: Click save

11. Go to localhost:7002/rbacx_staging.
Administrator User: rbacxadmin
Password: password

Enter the rbacx user credentials.
Step 1: Login Page

Set the new password for the rbacx user. You can reuse your old password.
Step 2: Set Admin Password

This is the home page for Oracle Identity Analytics.
Step 3: Home Page

1 comment:

  1. You're one of the best Oracle FMW bloggers. However, it seems you appeared stopping posting new stuff for version 12c?
