The following items are required to install OIA. To see the various databases and application servers OIA supports, checkout out the OIA Certification Matrix.
- Database - Oracle Database 11g R2 (
- Java - JRockit
- Application Server - WebLogic Server 10.3.5
Name: Oracle Identity Analytics (
Installation and Configuration
1. Set the RBACX_HOME environment variable. Make sure this variable is set and available for all terminal sessions.
vi ~/.bash_profile #Add the following lines RBACX_HOME=/home/oracle/OIA export RBACX_HOME
2. Unzip "" into RBACX_HOME.
unzip -d /home/oracle/OIA
You should have at least the following files and directories:
.indexes db sample conf reports rbacx.war
3. Create a directory called rbacx_staging in your RBACX_HOME directory and explode the rbacx.war in the rbacx_staging folder.
mkdir /home/oracle/OIA/rbacx_staging cd /home/oracle/OIA/rbacx_staging jar -xvf ../rbacx.war
4. Download third-party library files and place them into "$RBACX_HOME/rbacx_staging/WEB-INF/lib" directory.
Name: ojdbc6.jar (
This JDBC driver is needed for Oracle Database Server.
Name: jasper-jdt.jar
This file is required by the Oracle Identity Analytics certification and reporting feature.
5. Copy the import and export directories to RBACX_HOME. These directories are located in "$RBACX_HOME/conf" folder.
cd /home/oracle/OIA/sample cp -r import /home/oracle/OIA cp -r export /home/oracle/OIA
6. Create the rbacxservice user and the OIA Schemas.
#Open up a session in sqlplus cd /home/oracle/db/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/dbhome_1/bin ./sqlplus / as sysdba #Create the rbacxservice user create user rbacxservice identified by Password1; #Create the OIA Schema @/home/oracle/OIA/db/oracle/rbacx-
7. Copy the file from "RBACX_HOME/conf/oracle" to "RBACX_HOME/conf".
cd /home/oracle/OIA/conf cp oracle/ .
Modify the in the conf directory.
#JDBC driver URL - jdbc.url=jdbc:oracle:thin:@$SERVER_NAME:$PORT_NUMBER:rbacx jdbc.url=jdbc:oracle:thin:@localhost:1521:orcl #Database Password jdbc.password=Password1
Encrypt the database password by typing the following command:
java -jar ../rbacx_staging/WEB-INF/lib/vaau-commons-crypt.jar -encryptProperty -cipherKeyProperties ./ -propertyFile ./ -propertyName jdbc.password
8. Navigate to "$RBACX_HOME/rbacx_staging/WEB-INF" directory and edit the file.
cd /home/oracle/OIA/rbacx_staging/WEB-INF vi
#Modify parameter. Specify the location of OIA log file to be created log4j.appender.file.file=/home/oracle/OIA/logs/rbacx.log
9. Create a new WebLogic Domain for OIA. If you were to deploy OIA with other server instances, you may have complications with conflict of jars.
#Execute WL_HOME/common/bin cd /home/oracle/Oracle/Middleware/wlserver_10.3/common/bin ./
Note: I did not select any Domain Source. I changed the AdminServer Port for oia_domain to 7002 since my Admin Server on oim_domain uses port 7001.
Step 1: Create a new WebLogic Domain
Step 2: Click Next
Step 3: Specify Domain Name and Location
Step 4: Configure Admin User Name and Password
Step 5: Configure Server Start Mode and JDK
Step 6: Select Administration Server
Step 7: Configure the Administration Server
Step 8: Configuration Summary
Step 9: Creating Domain
After creating a WebLogic domain for OIA, start the admin server.
cd /home/oracle/Oracle/Middleware/user_projects/domains/oia_domain/bin ./
10. Login to the WebLogic Administration Console for the OIA domain (localhost:7002/console) and deploy the OIA application.
Step 1: Log in to Administration Console
Step 2: Select Deployments
Step 3: Click Install
Step 4: Select rbacx_staging Directory
Step 5: Select "Install this deployment as an application".
Step 6: Select "DD Only" and "Use the defaults . . ."
Step 7: Click Finish
Step 8: Click save
11. Go to localhost:7002/rbacx_staging.
Administrator User: rbacxadmin
Password: password
Step 1: Login Page
Step 2: Set Admin Password
Step 3: Home Page
You're one of the best Oracle FMW bloggers. However, it seems you appeared stopping posting new stuff for version 12c?