Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Installing and Configuring a Java Connector Server

Original Instructions: https://wikis.oracle.com/display/IdentityConnectors/Connector+Servers#ConnectorServers-
Description: A connector server is required when a connector bundle is not directly executed within your application. By using one or more connector servers, the connector architecture permits your application to communicate with externally deployed bundles.

Create Execution Environment
1. Create an empty directory for your Java Connector server.
mkdir ~/jconnserv

2. Create "bundles", "lib", and "conf" folders inside the "jconnserv" directory.
cd ~/jconnserv
mkdir bundles lib conf

3. Copy the following files from "<ORACLE_IDM1>/server/apps/oim.ear/APP-INF/lib" directory into the lib directory you've just created: connector-framework.jar, connector-framework-internal.jar, and groovy-all.jar
cd /home/oracle/Oracle/Middleware/Oracle_IDM1/server/apps/oim.ear/APP-INF/lib
cp connector-framework.jar connector-framework-internal.jar groovy-all.jar -d /home/oracle/jconnserv/lib

4. Extract connectorserver.properties file from connector-framework-internal.jar and place into "conf" folder.
jar xf connector-framework-internal.jar org/identityconnectors/framework/server/connectorserver.properties
mv org/identityconnectors/framework/server/connectorserver.properties ~/jconnserv/conf
rm -Rf org/

Test Execution Environment
1. Run the Java Connector Server with no arguments to see the list of command-line options:
cd ~/jconnserv
java -cp "lib/connector-framework.jar:lib/connector-framework-internal.jar:lib/groovy-all.jar" org.identityconnectors.framework.server.Main

2. Verify the following output:
Usage: Main -run -properties 
       Main -setKey -key  -properties 
       Main -setDefaults -properties 
NOTE: If using SSL, you must specify the system config
        -Djavax.net.ssl.keyStoreType (optional)

Configure Your Java Connector Server
1. Set the key for your connector server. The example below create a key "12345".
cd ~/jconnserv
java -cp "lib/connector-framework.jar:lib/connector-framework-internal.jar:lib/groovy-all.jar" org.identityconnectors.framework.server.Main -setKey -key 12345 -properties conf/connectorserver.properties

2. For other properties (e.g. port number), edit the connectorserver.properties manually.

Running the Java Connector Server
cd ~/jconnserv
java -cp "lib/connector-framework.jar:lib/connector-framework-internal.jar:lib/groovy-all.jar" org.identityconnectors.framework.server.Main -run -properties conf/connectorserver.properties

Installing a Connector on a Java Connector Server
1. Copy the Java connector bundle JAR file to the bundles directory in your Java connector server directory.
2. If necessary, add to the classpath any 3rd party JAR files required by any Java connector.
3. Restart the Java connector server.

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