Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Set a Process Task to Trigger off Another

Version: Oracle Identity Manager 11g
Description: This post provides an example to trigger a process task off another process task. All changes are done through OIM Design Console. For a process task, you are able to assign dependent tasks and preceding tasks. Preceding tasks must have a completed status before the current process is triggered. Dependent tasks are triggered when the current process has a completed status.

Goal: Setup "Enable Extended" process task to be triggered after "Enable User" is successfully completed.
Enable User ---> Enable Extended

1.  In OIM Design Console, navigate to Process Management -> Process Definition and select the resource object you are configuring.

2. Create a process task with the following information in the General section:
Task Name: Enable Extended
Task Description: Set to trigger after Enable User is completed
Task Properties: Conditional, Required for Completion, Allow Cancellation while Pending, Allow multiple instances
Click save.

3. On the Integration section, attach the tcCompleteTask system adapter. This just completes the task and nothing else. You can use your own custom adapter if you like.

4. On the Task Dependency section, add "Enable User" process task under preceding task.
Note:  The "Enable Extended" process task is automatically added in to "Enable User" process task as a dependent task after completing this step.

5. On the Responses section, add the following success response:
Response: SUCCESS
Description: success
Status: C

6. Click Save.

7. Edit the "Enable User" process task to generate the "Enable Extended" process task on the SUCCESS response.
Note: Each response has its own list of Tasks to Generate. So make sure you select SUCCESS and then add the "Enable User" task.
Then save.

8. Validate the workflow of these process tasks by disabling and enabling a user's resource instance. Look at the Resource History and check that "Enable User" and "Enable Extended" were called after you enabled the user's resource instance.

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